Monday, August 8, 2011

Dog Hikes, Face Plants and Gratitude

Today, just like every day, I took dogs out on a trail hike. As I head out I always marvel at how lucky I am and how spoiled I have become to be able to hike on our wonderful trails with the dogs. Every so often the dogs stop and look out, as if they are also enjoying the view. I wonder what they are thinking. Probably something like 'where is that bird? I am going to chase it now' and not 'wow, what a sunset!' I, being human and not dog, try to never get so used to PC that I take this beauty for granted.

I also never take my health for granted. Being a mother, I am constantly grateful for my children's and my own health. How lucky we are that a minor sniffle seems like a major inconvenience. Today I had a little accident that left me thankful that I was able to get up and walk and my nose was only bleeding and not broken. I was running with dogs down a local trail when I suddenly found myself face down in the dirt in pain. I am sure I just tripped on a root or rock on the trail, but it happened so quickly I don't even know how it happened. I stood up, looked at myself in my glasses, and was shocked to see dirt and blood all over my face. The fact that I am sitting here blogging and not sitting in the ER reminds me to be filled with gratitude every day. And the dogs? They all rallied around me very concerned. I am grateful for them as well.