Monday, April 11, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about integrity as it applies to my life and to Playful Pets of Park City in the past 24 hours. I was on a dog-sitting job with Samantha (my nine-year-old assistant) and I said something about having integrity in our work. She said 'what is integrity?' Great question! I immediately said 'honesty.' But as I thought about integrity into the evening and again this morning, I have realized that it is so much more than simply being truthful. It involves having a high quality of service.

This week is spring break in Park City. I am very busy because many people are out of town. I have some repeat clients and some new clients and I am nearly too busy. This is great news for our fledgeling business and I am truly happy as I rush from home to home making sure the animals are all cared for and feel loved. What does this have to do with integrity? I have realized that in order to assure a high quality of service I must have my client's best interests in mind at all times. We may rush from here to there, but we must not sacrifice the integrity of Playful Pets of Park City.

Dog Walks in Fresh Snow

For skiers in Park City the powder has been great this week. Yesterday two skiers told me it was the best day of the season. For Playful Pets of Park City, although we embrace mud during the shoulder seasons, we also are enjoying the fresh snow for our hikes and walks. Here is Hannah on the Rail Trail. Her, Sage and Spy dog have a great time on our two hour walks.

Last weekend we had the honor of visiting this little cutie, Rosie, and her sweet buddy, Duke. They love their walks and treats.

This kitty is Merlin. He is a sweet and affectionate little guy. We adore cats also!